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The prompt was "Fresh" and what's better than a freshborn baby! (or newborn for people who like "real" words) This guy's pretty giggly and googly, which is how I like my babies. Some big 'ol ears and a squiggly mouth. ;o)
I had to kick this one out faster than last weeks, because I didn't have the time, so it's more of a sketch painting.
As always, this was created with Photoshop 7 and a Wacom Tablet. Thanks for stoppin' by and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Now that's a baby! It defintely has a lot of personality:> You did a great job for a "sketch painting"...very nice skin tones and baby posture.
Great job Ray. I like the word "freshborn" -- seems more descriptive.
I've just switched back to using Photoshop with my Wacom -- for a while I've been going crisp in Illustrator for my other Illustration Friday entries, but there always seems to be something clip art-ish about them. I'd be interested to hear what brushes and settings you are using. Myself, I'm getting a lot of mileage out of Dual Brushes and wet edges.
I look forward to seeing more.
Great expression on Freshborn's face!
This little guy made me smile! He's just a little bundle of freshness :) Wonderful skin tones and expression... and THE EARS! Oh my.
Love teh hands, the feet and that curly blonde hair.
Very fresh and cute baby.
Good work!
I don't know about this one, Ray. He's cute, and you did a good job, but there's something about him that's just creepy. Can't quite put my finger on it... hmm...
I don't know. Anyway, nice job. Have a pleasant weekend?
Ray, that is a beautiful illustration. But an ugly baby...lol. You know how it is when you see someone with an ugly baby and you just say, hummm, now that's a baby.lol, I'm kidding.
Great work with Photoshop! I marvel at how you guys can paint so well using the Photoshop tools, I'm still stuck at pouring solid colors... sigh.
Well what a happy giggly baby! I like the use of freshborn. Very good skin tones. Took a peak at your finished Escape and it is wonderful.
Hey, thanks, ever'body!! Glad you like him (for the most part ;o) ). He still makes me giggle just thinkin' about him gigglin'. Babies laughing is funny.
And, yeah, he's definitely not a normal lookin' kid. Kinda goin' for a ... well, googly look. ;o) Kinda footballheadish.
Dennis, I'm mainly using some of the defaul brushes. I think I do use one dual brush that I got from a colorist that goes by Pens&Pixels over at the Digital Webbing Forums. Haven't messed much with wet edges, it seems to give me weird results, but I think I may be using them wrong. I usually just use them on Normal mode, but occasionally flip over to Multiply or Screen and lightly brush, as a kind of color mixing, then select what's made and go back to Normal mode.
Thanks for checkin' it out, man!
anna (the second one on here ;o) - Thanks. Creepy, huh? But, just look at him and imagine him busting up laughing. Even the ugliest of babies are adorable when they crack up.
Oh, well, can't win 'em all. ;o)
I did have a pleasant weekend. If you saw the post about "Goofing Off," that was great. And I did some travelling around and even saw "The Corpse Bride" in a nice theater (the Warren in Wichita).
Thanks for asking. And yourself?
cute painting!
:) ohhh look that face :) cuteee
Freshborn? Anyway, pretty cool pic. The baby looks like Ed Asner to me though. Not that it's a bad thing.
Maybe freshborn like, fresh out of the oven/womb. Something.
I did read about your "playday." Sounds like fun.. I haven't gotten a chance to head to the theatre lately. How was Corpse Bride?
I had a nice, relaxing weekend, but now it's back to the books and the grindstone. Work work work.
Oh! One good thing is I got a G4 PowerBook last week... wow. Just, wow.
Thanks, alina chau, virginiajoe.
Steve, don't be a'messin' wit mah engleesh!! ;o)
anna, yeah, fresh out of the over. I was thinking about doing a baby being taken out of an over, but didn't think I could make it goofy enough to not be horribly weird. Just don't like the idea of a baby in an oven, if figuratively.
Corpse Bride was awesome. Can't believe it was stop-motion animation. it was so smooth and had amazing effects. A triumph in animation. Loved it.
Congrats on the PowerBook. Now you're more powerful than I. ;o) I'm using a G4 PowerMac (getting pretty outdated), and a G4 ibook.
Nice job! Wacom Tablets are really fun!
Thanks, Seth. Yes, they are! ;o)
whups, i'm late in commenting, but i love this! agree w/ steve musgrave that baby freshie looks like ed asner - which isn't bad, since most other babies usually look like winston churchill...
i have no idea what a wacom tablet is, but judging by this illo and your escape illo, you appear to be a master with it...
Love this baby ,
Hello guys , Your creation is awesome and looks like real .
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