First it was Eragon author, Christopher Paolini, who at age 15 (the same age he graduated from high school), began writing his first novel. Now, at age 21, he's on his second of a bestselling series.
Then, it was Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, who's first novel was published when she was 14 and at 21 is now on her 7th! Read more about her in the previous post.
Now, it's the 7-year old author, Adora Svitak, who has already written 300 stories!! She has a pretty amazing story of her own. Go check it out:
They're getting younger and I need to catch up!!
Oh, and I found her blog through:
Her first book (Flying Fingers) is scheduled to be released in Nov, 2005. Just check out the vocabulary in her story, quite unbelievable.
collided –
lurched –
seething –
cringe –
menacingly –
gnash –
traversing –
scurrilous –
cherub –
rigging –
grog –
Yeah, I read about that. Sounds awesome. I'll definitely be checking it out. Thanks for posting that.
Seven-year-old Author Awarded International Book Contract
Seven-year-old Adora Svitak has written more than 330,000 words of stories, poems and essays in the past year. Her first book "Flying Fingers" is scheduled to be released on Oct 27, 2005. She was awarded a book contract from a prestigious publishing house in Beijing, China. Her book will be published in China early next year.
(PRWEB) October 16, 2005 -- Seven-year-old Adora Svitak has published her first book, a compilation of historical fiction and adventure stories which range in length from 18 to 50 pages each. The book Flying Fingers is four pages shy of three hundred pages. It has four parts which includes Adora’s nine stories, writing tips, her opinions on politics, religion, media and education, plus a collection of her earlier poems. Adora has written over 330,000 words in the last year alone, but what sets her apart is the equally impressive quality and maturity of her writing. She has skillfully applied sophisticated writing techniques, explored complex themes, and has used her extensive vocabulary appropriately.
Adora improves visibly with each new story and has an incredible capacity to re-invent herself. One story is set in ancient Egypt, another during the Renaissance. Although her stories are infused with a childlike sense of humor, her lushly descriptive fantasy odysseys are peppered with witty dialogue, and her descriptions of characters and events betray perceptions and insights that seem ageless. How did Adora get so far in such a short amount of time?
Flying Fingers: Master the Tools of Learning Through the Joy of Writing provides the answers. Each of Adora's stories is accompanied by a special "parents' section" with teaching tips from Adora's mother, Joyce. Espousing her belief that imparting a sense of play and freedom is the first step to improve a child's writing skills, Joyce includes a series of fun writing activities that parents and kids can do together.
Adora's mission to share her love of writing with other children extends to her desire to help other children to enjoy the pleasure of reading and writing. She plans to visit schools, especially low-income schools to show other kids how she gets such great results. Armed with her laptop and projector, Adora demonstrates her writing process live (at 70 words per minute it doesn't take long), answers questions, and donates copies of her book to students.
Having an almost three hundred page book published in the US is an impressive achievement, let alone having a prestigious publishing house translate the book into Chinese for sale in China early next year. Adora Svitak, who will be turning eight this month, has been writing on the computer since June 2004 and may be one of the youngest authors to get an international book contract. With more children becoming computer and word processor savvy at younger ages, we shall likely see similar talents emerge on the literary scene that has traditionally been dominated by adults.
It takes an open mind and strong belief in children to understand Adora's capacity and talent. However, Adora's ability and talent go beyond the book she writes. Her willingness to help and inspire other children, her desire and passion for knowledge and insatiable hunger to know what's happening around her is truly amazing and inspirational.
Please visit Adora Svitak’s website at or call 425-882-1603 for more information.
Additional info:
The publishing company in the US is Action Publishing in CA; the publishing company in Beijing, China is China Translation and Publishing Corporation.
Adora Svitak's story is being published on Book Standard.
'She's Only 8, And She's Written A Book!'
November 15, 2005
By John Sharify
Video : KOMO 4 NEWS
Adora Svitak has written 300 short stories, and now she's just released a new book on how to spread the joy of writing.
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REDMOND - Her feet didn't even touch the floor, and yet then-7-year-old Adora Svitak was spitting out one short story after another when we met her last February.
"You just can't stop writing?" I asked her. "Probably not", she responded.
Her resume included 300 short stories.
After we did that story on KOMO 4 News, ABC's Good Morning America interviewed Adora. Peter Jennings was on the set that morning. The late ABC anchorman was just as curious about Adora and her talents, as we were.
Mr. Jennings never got to know this about her: "I just turned 8, and I just wrote my book 'Flying Fingers," Adora told 3rd graders at Redmond's Horace Mann Elementary.
One student observed: "I think it's pretty amazing that she's only 8 and she's written a book!"
Adora wrote the book to spread the joy of writing. It's a 'how to' book. The Redmond girl believes anyone can write, you just need a little inspiration.
I asked her: "What's the key to being creative?" Adora responded: "Just letting your ideas flow, not holding them back".
Adora wants to share her gift with others. That's why she's visiting the 3rd grade class at Horace Mann Elementary.
"Gift? Maybe," says Adora's mother Joyce. "But I think all children have the gift. It's how to discover and develop them."
Adora will be autographing her book 'Flying Fingers' at Third Place Books in Forest Park. It's this Sunday (Nov. 20) at 3:30.
If you want more information about the book and Adora's work go to
For More Information:
Dear Ray,
Check this out too:
a blog maintained by a young Malaysian (15) who is on his way to publishing his first book on his experience with the Malaysian education system. What's remarkable is that English is not his mother tongue and I'm sure his writing talent and perception of life will benefit from interacting with yoing writers abroad.
Say-Chong Lee
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After reading i understand that,
Your blog so so awesome . Keep continue sharing such post with us .
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