I originally created this Superhero Team to be used in the Superhero Hero Style section of the book Master Digital Color. You can see how Brian Miller of Hi-Fi colors this piece and get a hi-res downloadable version to practice on from the CD Rom that accompanies the book!
And see an exclusive preview of this excellent new how-to book from Hi-Fi "Master Digital Color":Within the pages of Master Digital Color you find the ultimate comic book art gallery to color along with detailed step-by-step tutorials, hands on challenges, advice from the experts. Also features a Bonus DVD with Video tutorials - Artwork for all tutorials & challenges - Color guides, sample & reference art - Photoshop Add-Ons: Brushes, swatches, actions, scripts, & more - Click-A-Tone create - Manga style grayscale comic artwork - Hi-Fi's 1-2-3 Automation one-click color separations - Bonus artwork |
Here are the progress steps that went into making this piece. Concept sketch, cover sketch & cover Inks me. Colors by Brian Miller of Hi-Fi.
About The She'n: In ancient Chinese mythology there is a long-forgotten. tale of four beings who ride within a storm and fall from the sky. All face death, are resurrected after four days and are granted powers. They walk among men to stop a great war and endless bloodshed. In modern day, these are four strangers from around the globe visiting Shanghai who manifest powers after a plane crash and are considered gods among men, or "She'n." One of whom, their leader, follows another meaning of "she'n" as a shapshifting dragon who creates mirages. China needs them to stop the political war that has begun, the plague of violence and decay on the streets, and new unforseen supernatural forces soon to be released to bring an end to the world.
The Characters:
Benjamin Song (the Dragon)
Jena Huang (the Hawk)
Billy Hu (the Tiger)
Cali Hung (the Bear)
The Shen is © Ray Dillon, 2009
Read the Interview HERE-->
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