
Monday, February 20, 2006

Lord of the Rings: Evolution Gallery!

Hey, all!

My entire gallery of 306 sketch cards is now up on the LOTR Sketch Cards Website. Just look down the list of artists on the left and click my name. I'm about the 10th person from the top. Here's a little sample of some of my favorites (they aren't all in that painted style, though):

Here are a few favorites in various styles:

Click here for full gallery:

The cards are supposed to be in stores in February. They sell them just about everywhere. Look for them in the checkout lines at grocery stores, Wal-mart, Target, etc. Also in most gas stations. There's only one sketch card per box, but you might get lucky.

Thanks for checking them out, everyone! And your comments are very appreciated!



  1. Some really nice stuff in there, Ray. You and Nae and a few other people I'm familiar with online all did some nice work. The ones you posted are among my faves. I also like the one of the lounging Hobbit with his feet right up in your face! :D

  2. Excellent gallery . Thanks for this shared here . I applaud your all of these photos on this gallery .
