
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Lost ...

Click for larger version.

The latest entry to Illustration Friday from the prompt "Lost." I was inspired by an anti-marijuana commercial (something along the lines of, "just tell your mom you forgot about her because you were stoned). I was originally going to have a city street corner background with a lot of very large people walking past her, but I decided to go more simple (mainly because that would have taken forever).

The idea of a kid lost in such a busy, jungle of people really terrifies me. So, in a sense, this is a horror piece to me. So, I will have to add on to the story for this piece and make it a happy ending. She is scooped up moments later by her mother who (she didn't realize) was just right behind her getting ice cream. ;o)

I was also going to use Painter, but I just feel so awkward in there, still. For example, I try to select and move a small area of my drawing, and it created a new "floating" layer, and couldn't merge it.

So, I copped out and used Photoshop. ;o)

Hope ya like!


  1. Wowww...Such a wonderful tecnicque. And how cute girl. :) I like it. :)

  2. the colours are so rich. i can feel the texture of her dress, and the gloss of the balloon.

    I can imagine her anywhere like that: on a city block; at the fair; in the mall...


  3. I've tried Painter several times and JUST don't like it! Photoshop is great and this image is extremely well done! She is beautiful and I feel like crying with her; but then I look at the balloon and feel better :)

  4. This is beautiful and poigniant.

    I've recently really got into Painter (after not using it for something like 10 years...). The brushes are scrumptious.

  5. I like it too. You've captured the mood so well.

  6. She is really beautiful - you captured her fragile emotion so well. Thanks for the happy ending, btw.

  7. Well done! This certainly evokes the emotion of the word.

  8. Well done-the colors are great.

  9. Wow. Thanks for all the great responses, everyone. I'm really glad you like this piece. I feel like I'm starting to get my painting style down (at least in Photoshop) and I'm speeding up a bit.

    I definitely want to mess around with Painter some more, but, I admit, I got a little frustrated with it. So, another day. ;o)

    Thanks, again!!

  10. The character is great!! Nice painting!!

  11. Very nice, dah-ling, very nice. Much better than the freshly cooked baby one from a few weeks ago. Heehee..

    Hope you're well!

  12. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I really identify with your "horror piece" comment. Once I got a call from my wife who was terrified because she couldn't find our daughter. I worked a short way from home so I took off and looked for her on the way home. By the time I got to our apartment, our daughter was home and everything was fine, but I never want to go through that kind of terror again--just worrying where she was and what could be happening to her.

    Thanks for the great piece.

  13. Thank you!

    Dennis, yeah, that's frightening. If I knew the kinda panic that comes from that, I would never have run away like I did when I was a kid. I had a few occurences where I was "headed for the hills," or just playing a prank on my sister. I feel horrible about it now.

    Thanks for checkin' it out.

  14. nice work, as always.

    and the way she's holding the balloon - it looks so fragile, as if it's doing little to comfort her.

  15. Thanks, kg. You're always so kind. ;o)

    Glad you like it.

  16. I can see a style developing...I always make sure to take a look at what you're doing on I.F. Nice job!

  17. Thanks, meg! I appreciate you stoppin' by. ;o)

  18. Hey Ray,

    I really like your illustration. There's such a sense of panic in it but at the same time there is a bit of whimsy and hope. Definitely is left up to the viewers interpretation. Very good. Look forward to seeing more of your work!

    D Rock

  19. Very cool illustration. It conveys a heck of a lot of emotion.

  20. Thanks, d rock and leezy (you guys should start up a rap group). ;o) I'm really glad you like it.

  21. Wonderful sketch. Love these, and the one of the two boys with the dog in the snow. Great stuff.


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