
Sunday, October 02, 2005

Float ...

Click for larger version.

The latest entry to Illustration Friday from the prompt "Float." I was originally going to do a root beer float, because that was my favorite treat when I was a kid. Then I thought of a parade float. But decided to go with this piece, even if it's a little more obvious. It's based off of a dream I had recently. I wasn't able to fly, but only float, and it was really difficult. I decided to keep with the kids theme by making it me as a chunky little kid (I really did love those root beer floats ;o)

This is also my first real piece created using the program Painter. I definitely don't feel comfortable with it yet, and really I could have done this faster (and less messy) in Photoshop, BUT, I can tell that there is something there worth pursuing. I've seen the results people get with Painter, so I know that it is a good program. Just different from what I'm used to. I messed around with the oil brushes, pencils, blenders. Maybe I'll keep up my practice with these Illo Fridays.

Let me know what you think! And if you have any Painter tips or tutorials, let me know.


  1. I enjoy your art...hey, if there were some "strings" hanging down, you could be one of those balloons in a parade. You could be "The Chubby Root-Beer Drinking Kid -- :)

  2. Ha! Yes, I could. Thanks, Meg! ;o)

  3. aww. great, as always.

  4. Thanks, kg! Always appreciated.

  5. Great style!
    It reminds me some kind of story-board style. Looks great! The color palette y wonderful warm and the kid expression rocks!
    Good work!

  6. I think you did a terrific job first time out with Painter!! I have it loaded onmy computer and have not made the time. I like the idea of practicing with a new medium with Illo Friday. Ahh if Time would only stand still for a bit!

  7. with Painter??? woooow I admire the computer graphics... I am old style... but thinking on learning...

    I like the idea!
    keep up the good work!

  8. Wow! I can't believe you did this in painter within the last three days! I've been to you're website and your comic art is awesome! I've only just started using photoshop to paint on Illustration-Friday.

  9. I really like it! You did a great job conveying the theme.

  10. Hi !Ray from USA this is Carla from Lisbon,Portugal, Thanks for your comments.Though I send all my illustrations by e-mail because I am a professional illustrator my first one and the real entry for illo friday it is the collage, the second one is acrylic.And though I use photoshop for sharpen and cmyk color what I personnaly think is that when we work only with photoshop we tend to clear and clean all the little mistakes and loose all the spontaneous things and all the mistakes,all the pencil sketches you forget to erase...and all of these make a good illustration,because all of these containn the process you went through till you really got there...

  11. Hi !Ray from USA this is Carla from Lisbon,Portugal, Thanks for your comments.Though I send all my illustrations by e-mail because I am a professional illustrator my first one and the real entry for illo friday it is the collage, the second one is acrylic.And though I use photoshop for sharpen and cmyk color what I personnaly think is that when we work only with photoshop we tend to clear and clean all the little mistakes and loose all the spontaneous things and all the mistakes,all the pencil sketches you forget to erase...and all of these make a good illustration,because all of these containn the process you went through till you really got there...

  12. rubio2d - Thanks! Storyboards, huh? I don't know if I'd want to spend this much time on storyboards for a whole movie, though. It only took about an hour or two, but you've got to move pretty fast through storyboards. ;o) Glad you like it!

    monicalee - Thanks! Yeah, it's tough finding time for this. I've been trying to use my Sundays to sneek it in. I'm definitley having to cut down on how much time goes into each one, though.

    Pajara Pinta - I definitely recommend using digital technology. No mess, no clean-up, no reoccurring costs, takes up less space, nothing is completely permenant, so you have mroe options, and great results. I was really surprised how much I needed it after I finally got it. ;o)

    Patrick - Thanks, man! Actually, I did this in about an hour and a half yesterday. ;o) Photoshop is a great program. I'm still way more comfortable using that to paint over Painter, but it's fun to dabble and maybe I'll unlock the power that regular Painter users seem to have. I appeciate you checking it out!!

    ellen - Thank you! I'm glad you think so!

    kikazinha - Thanks for the info. I see what you're saying about traditional media, but I feel there are plenty of happy little mistakes with it, too. Works for me in my career, anyway. ;o) Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I only have pencil "tips", you know.. the kind with graphite and needs a sharpener :) I wish I could use digital programs to create stuff like this.

    It's most excellent.

  14. hehe. Thank you, cheri. That's kind of you.

    I think anyone can use the digital route. It's fairly easy once you jump into it. Very much like traditional media.

    Thanks for checkin' it out!

  15. Excellent illo! Very dream like. Well done.

  16. Hey....keep doing the your stuff!

    Appreciate all the nice comments my way.

    Never have used Painter...go see Digital Drawing...she is a big Painter fan...and has tips on one of her site! I have a link for her on my EGGS blog.

  17. Holly - Thank you. Glad you catch the dream-like quality. Thanks for stoppin' by. ;o)

    Joli Noir Perle - Thanks a bunch. I will definitely go check out that Painter fan you recommended. Appreciated.

  18. You have truly inspired me to start painting with Photoshop. That is just too cool. How are you doing that click for larger version thing. I havent figured that out.

  19. Oops, I just got my blogger identities mixed up. Delete that. Here it is again:

    You have truly inspired me to start painting with Photoshop. That is just too cool. How are you doing that click for larger version thing. I havent figured that out.

  20. Ha! Don's got multiple personalities! ;o)

    Yeah, the click for larger thing is just HTML. I can't get the image adding feature to work for me on here, so I have to code it myself. I have a small version and a large version uploaded and I just link one to the other.

    You could also just have one large image and adjust the size of the post in the code, then link to itself.

    If that makes any sense.

    Glad I could inspire, man!

  21. Thank you very much, Michelle! Tomorrow shall bring another (well, hopefully it'll be done tomorrow. That's when the prompt will be posted anyway. We'll see.)

  22. Hello guys ,
    You have shared pretty work . It's really very awesome .

  23. Excellent job you have done again. Thanks
