
Friday, September 30, 2005

Nightwing: Fundamentals complete!

Gate Gate
* Click for larger versions *

Finally done! This project has been in the works for quite a while now. It's written by John Robert Johnson and fully illustrated (that's pencils, inks, and colors) by me using a Wacom tablet and Photoshop 7. We'll have a lettered version up soon.

And to see the rest of the art for this, go to the Art Gallery on my website, or visit the Golden Goat Studios message boards, where it's been documented.

Let me know what you think!!


  1. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Love this Ray! These are so awesome,yea you!!!

    Guess who just found your blog...

  2. Ha! Heelllooo. What's YOUR name? ;o)

    Thanks for stoppin' by! Glad you like it.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this post with us .
