
Friday, June 29, 2012

Photos from my 30th Birthday!

Yesterday was my 30th birthday and it was awesome. I'm going to write a bit more about turning 30 and how that feels, but for now, here are some photos from yesterday.

We took the ferry over to Peak's Island, off the coast of Portland, Maine. Relaxing and exciting at the same time. Love living here.

Just a quick few. More to come!

UPDATE: Here are some of the awesome gifts I got!

Me love audiobooks! Never thought of the JAWS Audiobook!
What a great thought that was! Thanks, wife! 

My older son picked out this awesome Mustache Belt

After we got back dinner on from Peak's Island, my wife and I played some old DOOM

Good day... :)

Oh, and I got to upgrade my phone from a Droid X to the

Got to cheaply upgrade my phone! Happened right at my birthday. Perfect timing. 

The Maxx is incredible! I had the Droid X, but the battery would last about 2 hours tops with all the email, picture taking/uploading, video, drawing, all the stuff I was using it for. It was huge problem. But NOW! NOW I SAY! My Droid Razr Maxx is lasting 24 hours!!! Unbelievable! It just goes and goes. I literally charged it yesterday at 11am and it's still got half a battery left! And seriously, I'm doing heavy stuff on it ALL the time! SO happy I got it! And that's just the battery.

The phone itself is fantastic. Covered in Kevlar, insides are waterproof. Super fast and powerful. Brilliant screen and camera (plus flip camera on the front to take pictures of yourself). HD 1080p video camera! Just awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Professional photography always looks gorgeous .
