
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Colors! - Marvel, DC, GI Joe, & Transformers!

These are pages I colored for Marvel, DC, and IDW as part of the Hi-Fi Team! Brian & Kristie Miller of Hi-Fi are awesome!

Marvel Heroes: Heroes vs. The Fury

Booster Gold #37

Blackest Night: Teen Titans #3

GI Joe #4: Nuclear Standoff

Transformers Vol.2 #8

Check out these awesome books!!!

Have a great day!

~Ray | Twitter | Facebook | MySpace | DeviantArt

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sonic the Hedgehog: Universe #25 Preview!

My colors start here on a 4-issue arc called "Silver Saga." I would love to hear your thoughts!!

~Ray | Twitter | Facebook | MySpace | DeviantArt

Saturday, February 05, 2011

THE LAST UNICORN Hardcover is #2 on NYTimes Best Seller List!!!

This is incredible news! Art by my wife Renae De Liz, inks and colors by me! Published by IDW Publishing. Based on the novel by Peter S. Beagle.

Click HERE to see more art and information about The Last Unicorn comics and hardcover graphic novel!

How do you get a copy?

ORDER FROM US & GET ART TOO!!! This is a special, limited deal. You'll get a signed and personalized copy of The Last Unicorn hardcover, you can pick two penciled pages from the comic (11"x17" on bristol), and an original sketch by my wife Renae De Liz all for just $200. Please email me if you have questions or want to order!

CONLAN PRESS Order directly from Peter S. Beagle (the novelist/creator) and we get $1 per copy sold!! Plus you get it signed by Peter S. Beagle (we'd also be happy to sign if you mail to us with SASE. Email for details!) Go to Conlan Press>>>

COMIC BOOK STORES Help your local comic shop which helps our whole industry! Go to to find your nearest store!

AMAZON: If you use this link it will link to our Affiliate account for which we get just about a $1 per copy. But try to use one of the other options first because that benefits other people, too. But if Amazon is your only option, please use that link.

Or your local book store can likely order it. Borders or whatever you have.

Every order helps my wife and I in our careers and helps support an amazing, classic creation by Peter S. Beagle. If you do order, please let us know. We'd love to hear all about it!

Thanks so much for your support!!

~Ray | Twitter | Facebook | MySpace | DeviantArt