
Friday, April 20, 2012

Headed to Boston Comic Con!

I'll be mostly running around the con floor and meeting with people, but my wife, Renae De Liz (who is a Special Guest!) is set up in Artist Alley for herself and Womanthology, and will be at the Womanthology Panel.

So, if you want to find me, hang out there, OR just look for the most handsome man with the most awesome beard at the con!

I'll be taking a couple of commissions of YOUR favorite characters or real life portraits at the show (cash or credit card) so if you're interested message me at or text 207.809.9512 and we can meet up!

ALSO, if you track me down, you can see a 46-page PRINTED version of TURTLES: Dawn of the Ninja, the TMNT graphic novel I was hired to paint! (Totally not for sale!)

Oh, AND follow me on Twitter, because I'll be posting my whereabouts throughout the day. Sing it Rockapella-style with me "Where in Boston is Raymond Dillonego!?"


Sunday, April 08, 2012

VIDEO - Happy Easter Bunny speed painting!

Painted this with my son on Easter 2012. :D Happy Easter!